Guest Post Contributions

Hey folks!

We are super excited you want to have your story on the Superpath Blog! Partying Face We want guest posts that are focused on personal experiences related to your content career. Your writing doesn't have to be perfect, but we want to ideas to be compelling and unique.

Please read through this document before reaching out Backhand Index Pointing Down Slightly Smiling Face

6-Step Process

We like to keep the process pretty simple:

    .1You come up with an idea. The easiest and fastest guest posts will be Career Transitions or My First 90 Days stories, but we're open hearing to other cool ideas.
    .2Send your idea for consideration (message Cierra on Slack or email ).
    .aFor  Career Transitions : Let us know the transition you want to write about. This could be going from a Fortune 500 company to a small startup or going from a freelancer to an agency owner. [See doc above for more info]
    .bFor  My First 90 Days : Let us know the company you work for, when you started, etc. Ideally you'll have 3-5 lessons to share that other marketers can learn from. [See doc above for more info]
    .3If we approve, you write the outline and rough draft. Note: For the 90 days or Career Transitions stories, there's no need to send an outline. You can just follow the outline on the Slite docs for each respective story.
    .4We publish on the Superpath blog! Raising Hands We'll send you the link once it's live and before we start distribution.
    .5Once we publish, we ask you to help distribute. By agreeing to write the post, you also agree to share at least once on LinkedIn and Twitter. People love first-person narratives and we find distribution works best when it comes from the source.  Here's a pre-written tweet you can use .
    .6  Fill out this Airtable form  after publishing & distributing if you'd like us to send you a Superpath T-shirt. Note: If you live outside of the US/Canada, unfortunately we can't send you swag Worried Face but we can send you an audiobook credit—just confirm your email with Cierra.

Thanks so much again! We're pumped that you want to guest post for Superpath and hope you can leverage the platform for your success.


As we mentioned, your writing doesn't have to be perfect. We'll pass your article through Grammarly and proofread before publishing. But we do as you to follow these guidelines:

  • All posts must be original content
  • Posts must be at least 800 words and no more than 2000 words
  • Posts must be relevant to our blog's topics (career advice, content strategy, team management)
  • Posts must be well-written and free of grammar/spelling errors (to the best of your ability)
  • Posts must include at least 3 links to related articles on Superpath
  • Posts must include a brief author bio with a link to your LinkedIn


Here are a few guest posts that have worked great in the past:
  •  My First 90 Days at Dock: 9 Lessons from a First Marketing Hire 
  •  11 Advanced Research Tips For Content Marketers (Part 1: Google Like a Pro) 
  •  How to Narrow Your Niche and Earn More Money 
  •  Transitions: How I Went From Content Creator to Content Strategy Consultant 

Thank you so much for considering Superpath as a home for your story. We're honored to have you write for us. As mentioned, reach out to Cierra Loflin via Slack DMs or email  with your idea to get started.