First 90 Days

Have a good story about what you learned and did in the first 90 days of a new content role? We'd love for you to share it.

Here's our first 90 days post from Content Lead Eric Doty,  My First 90 Days at Dock: 9 Lessons from a First Marketing Hire , that you can use as a reference.

Here's a rough outline for you to use:

 Week-by-week priorities 

 What did the first few weeks look like? Take us along on your journey as you started your new job.  

 Week 1  

 Week 2  

 Week ... 

 Lessons from the first 90 days 

 Share 3-5 lessons (or more) that you learned while getting started in the content role.  

 Example: Time blocking  

 Example: Strategy matters 

 Example: Communication counts 

 Key Takeaways 

 End with a few of your takeaways from starting this role that you'll take going forward.  

Reach out to  (or via DMs) with your background (the company you work for, when you started, etc. to get started. Then you can work off this template to write the draft.

Please refer back to the main page to see how the process works.