Easy Content Ideas to Fill Your Queue

This list of content ideas is from the Superpath team,  originally published on this blog post . Superpath is the best place for content marketers to network, learn, grow and support one another. Feel free to make a copy of this doc and share this list with your team and peers.


Teardowns are when you create an analytical framework, then run different entities through that framework. This work best when you do a series, which is ideal anyway since you get a lot of content out of them. It's also nice because you can include popular brand names/people in the post titles, which is helpful for SEO and distribution.


Meta Content

This is an undervalued style of content that takes readers' along a company or person's journey. It's episodic storytelling and usually requires a little more transparency than most companies are comfortable with. And that's exactly what makes it effective for companies who are willing to do it.

Thought Leadership

It's really difficult to create templates for thought leadership content. You do have to share original ideas to make it worth writing. Some meta-content doubles as thought leadership. Here are some good examples to get your brain moving. And please read this post if you're planning to create thought leadership content:  https://www.animalz.co/blog/thought-leadership-content/ 

Data Analysis

If you can find (or better yet, create) data that no one's ever seen before, you're well on your way to a great post.

Experiments: "We tried X and here's what happened"

New data


People hate on listicles but they still work really, really well. The key is to overdeliver. It's fine to use a clickbait title on your listicle as long as the reader is happy after they click. (The reason people hate listicles is because we've all been lured into too many crappy slideshow-style articles.)

X Best Podcasts for [Persona]

X Best Books for [Persona]

X Skills You Need to Thrive as a [Role]

X Templates to Help [Persona] do [Important Task]

X Best Conferences for [Persona] in [Year]

X Alternatives to [Popular Solution]

X Tips to Improve [Problem] Today

X Best Interview Questions for [Role]

X Tools Every [Industry] Team Should Be Using

X Resources for [Persona]

Top X [Things] from 2022

X Trends Top Trends in 2022

X Predictions for 2023

Up Next

This doc is a work in progress! We've got more coming. And if have ideas or suggestions, please email  cierra@superpath.co . We'd also love to add more examples to each category, so please send us suggestions (even your own posts).
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